In this brief lecture, I'm going to summarize the technical content of the power electronics courses and specializations that we will offer for credit. So, that the area of power electronics is quite broad, and it incorporates elements from a number of different sub-fields of electrical engineering. Certainly it's based on analog circuits and electronic devices, control systems and feedback systems are very important. We have applications in power systems. The design of the magnetics is very important, and an important part of the design of a power converter. Often we interface electric machines, and often we will use numerical simulation. So in this course, Introduction to Power Electronics ECEA, five seven zero zero, I'm going to assume that you have some undergraduate prerequisite knowledge in analog circuits and electronics. I'm not going to assume anything else. And this first course will cover power converters, really from the standpoint of analog circuits and electronic devices. So, this Course 1 that is 4 weeks long, plus a proctored exam at the end, really is summarized by this slide. In the first week, we're going to do simulation of a switching converter, so you will use LTspice to look at the wave forms of an actual switching converter. We'll learn techniques of steady state converter analysis. So if you have a switching converter that has switched waveforms, like these, how to analyze them to find things like the output voltage or the inductor currents of the converter circuit. We'll then develop equivalent circuit models, such as this one, that model the basic conversion properties of a switching converter, as well as modeling losses in the circuit. And this kind of equivalent circuit, then can be used to analyze a converter to predict things like its efficiency curves. The follow on Course 2, called Converter Circuits ECE a5701, goes into more detail in how these switching converters work. We'll talk about how to realize the switches using power transistors and diodes. So we'll talk some about power semiconductor devices. And one of the important things to learn here, is how they switch, and where switching loss comes from. So here are some typical wave forms of the diode reverse recovery process, which is one of the major sources of switching loss in a practical converter. So we'll learn how to model that. We'll learn about the different important power devices, such as the power MOSFET. We're going to analyze, what's known as the discontinuous conduction mode that occurs in some switching converters. And we'll look at different converter circuits or circuit topologies, including ones with transformer isolation. Here is a well-known transformer isolated converter, known as the forward converter, which is one of the isolated circuits that we we'll discuss. The third course in this specialization, is called Converter Control, and this is an introduction to applying feedback to a switching converter. Generally we want to regulate an output voltage, or an inductor current, or some similar quantity. So here's an example of a switching converter, circuit known as the buck converter with a feedback loop around it to control the output voltage of this buck converter. This is a pretty complex system, and we have switched waveforms that are fairly complicated, and so in Course 3 we will learn how to model the important voltage and current components in the circuit, and derive equivalent circuits that we can use to design feedback loops. Course 3 will cover an introduction, then, to feedback in the context of switching converters. The last course ECE a5704, is an introduction to magnetics for switching converters. So we'll talk there about just how basic inductors and transformers work, talk about their AC and DC loss mechanisms, in both the core and the winding. And we'll talk about how to design basic inductors and transformers for switching converters. Simulation is a recurring theme in this specialization and in the following ones as well. Here,we're going to use LTspice in this course, and in fact in the first homework this week, you will use LTspice to simulate the basic waveforms of a switching converter. Here is actually an example from the follow on specialization, which gets into more detail and more advanced topics in converter control. But this is an average model of a switching converter and it's feedback loop that can predict things like small signal transfer functions, in which can be used to design the feedback loops. That follow on specialization, goes into more advanced control techniques, such as current mode control, power factor correction, input filter design, digital control, and related topics. We have a graduate certificate that we offer through this program, the graduate certificate is comprised of this specialization the follow on control specialization, and then a capstone design project. And in this project you will design the power conversion system for a taught USB Type-C interface, which interfaces a computer and its battery to a USB cable. So this involves selection of the converter circuits, design of the power stage design of the magnetics, design of the analog controller, and then simulation and verification that your design meets requirements. Here is the Prerequisite Chain for this specialization. So this course, Introduction to Power Electronics, assumes a basic undergraduate knowledge of circuits and electronics, but that's all. It is prerequisite to the second course in the specialization, called Converter Circuits, which I mentioned before, that one is prerequisite to the final two courses. So the control course and the magnetics design course, both assume that you've had, or gotten through the second converter circuits course. So I look forward to your participation in this course. I would encourage you to take advantage of the discussion forums. And in the credit course, we also have course facilitators, who will hold regular office hours, and I urge you to take advantage of their help as well. And I hope that you find this course rewarding.